Peer Review Process

The paper publication process consists of four steps:


a) Initial Screening

At this stage, the papers which are written based on "paper writing guidelines" are accepted and sent to the referees. The referees are selected by the editorial board.


b) Peer review

The accepted papers are sent to at least three reviewers who are expert in the related fields. Then, they are divided into three groups:


1. Papers accepted in their original form

2. Papers accepted with revisions 

3. Papers rejected


Group 1 papers are accepted without any changes and sent to be published. Group 2 papers are sent to the authors for applying the changes suggested by the reviewers. Group 3 papers are rejected while informing the author/authors.  


c) Paper Revision

At this stage, the paper author/authors are expected to make the suggested changes in 10 days or state their reasons for not changing the paper through the journal website.




d) Final Acceptance

After making the changes suggested by the reviewers or providing enough reasons for not making the suggested changes, the paper is sent for being published and the authors are informed of the process through a formal letter.


The submitted papers are checked by Samim-e-Noor plagiarism detection software.