About Journal

Nowadays, people are all aware of weather effects on human activities. In this connection, the I.R. of Iran Meteorological Organization (IRIMO), taking into consideration the outlook, objectives, and priorities of the country and its development programs besides WMO strategic plans, has tried to run a knowledge-based, high-tech organization which has a great impact on provision and maintenance of economic resources, life security, and people's welfare. Therefore, among the main roles of the IRIMO are research and educational leadership, capacity-building, and knowledge and technology transfer. In this regard, the IRIMO publishes its own specialized publications. One of the main publications is Nivar. This 60-year journal was first published in 1960 and was awarded the scientific license number 3/2910/615 from the Iran Ministry of Science and Technology in 1990.


Besides basics of meteorology, the published papers include a wide variety of meteorological applications such as agricultural meteorology, hydrology, synoptic and dynamic meteorology, atmospheric chemistry and air pollution, physical meteorology and atmospheric balance, climatology, marine meteorology, and aeronautical meteorology. This journal aims to promote and develop meteorology and facilitate access to meteorological information.

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